Welcome to the website of the Chartered Quality Institute's Nuclear Special Interest Group (NucSIG). NucSIG was set up by volunteer members in 2007 to provide an opportunity for networking and sharing of good practice among Nuclear Quality Professionals.
The NucSIG Steering Group is very aware of the need to make nuclear safety paramount. We seek to help Nuclear Quality Professionals understand the culture for safety expected and the quality management practices that support this culture. We have a strong focus on developing the next generation of Nuclear Quality Professionals due to concerns over the nuclear industry age demographic. We also endeavour to help Quality Professionals joining from other sectors to rapidly gain the industry knowledge and skills they require.
There have been a number of significant developments since NucSIG formed, in particular:
The formation of the Nuclear Next Generation (NNG) group;
The production of our Nuclear Quality Knowledge (NQK) publication; and
The delivery of a series of well-attended events and webinars.
We have members from all parts of the nuclear industry; new build, power generation, defence, and decommissioning including:
Site licence company employees;
All levels of the nuclear supply chain; and
Third party bodies.
We have recently developed links with the growing fusion industry and have added a new chapter on fusion to the NQK.
This website has been designed to be a portal for nuclear quality knowledge. In addition, to our main NQK publication there are links to a range of other useful material. We welcome all comments and improvement suggestions on website content.
Richard Hibbert - CQI NucSIG Chair, 2024

We advocate high professional standards amongst Nuclear Quality Professionals by:
Encouraging membership of CQI;
Promoting the use of the CQI’s competency framework;
Promoting the use of the Nuclear Quality Competency - a set of nuclear/engineering quality skills which are commonly required in the nuclear sector;
Providing easy access to nuclear quality knowledge;
Providing opportunities for continuing professional development; and
Providing mentoring support.