The Importance of Collaborative Working
The CQI, NucSIG and the other special interest groups (SIG's) know the importance of collaborative working and sees great value in working together as common Quality goals and purpose provide an necessity for improvement driving us to a meaningful reason to work together as a collective.
As NucSIG we actively promote collaborative working with the CQI and other related SIG's running and attending events, completing collaborative working in working groups and sharing knowledge to enable continuous improvement and innovation by sector and for the Quality profession as a whole.
To help foster and create collaborative working atmosphere between parties we :
Create clear and concise cause / scope.
Communicate expectations between the collaborative team.
Establish collaborative team SMART goals.
Promote cohesion between collaborative team members.
Fully encourage innovation and new ideas.
Recognize, celebrate and communicate collaborative working.
NucSIG actively promote and undertake collaborative working with :
Chartered Quality Institute - CQI
Construction special interest group - ConSIG
Next Generation Network - NGN